UMR 5824

Groupe d'Analyse et de Théorie Economique

Le "GATE Lyon-Saint-Etienne" (Groupe d'Analyse et de Théorie Economique) est une Unité Mixte de Recherche (UMR5824) rattachée au CNRS Sciences humaines & sociales, à l'Université Lumière-Lyon 2, à l'Université Jean Monnet-St-Etienne et à l'emlyon.

Behavioral and Experimental Economics GATE-NTU Workshop (BEELS) – May 15-16, 2024

The workshop is held between researchers of NTU Behavioral and Experimental Economics (Singapore) and GATE-Lab (Lyon). The workshop will take place just before the 2024 Asia-Pacific meeting of the Economic Science Association (ESA) organized by NTU (May 17-19). It is supported by a PHC MERLION grant (Campus France, NTU, and the French embassy in Singapor).

Postes d'ATER

L'école d'économie de Saint-Etienne ouvre 3 postes d'ATER

Workshop "GATE on the Docks"

L’organisation de la journée scientifique « GATE on the Docks » a pour but de marquer l’arrivée de notre laboratoire sur le site des Berges du Rhône.

Prochains évènements

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Sudipta Sarangi (Virginia Tech) – Games Under Network Uncertainty
Mai 21 @ 10 h 30 – 11 h 45

We consider an incomplete information network game in which agents are only aware of the identity of their immediate neighbors. They form beliefs about the links of their neighbors (the rest of the network) and play a linear-quadratic effort game to maximize interim payoffs. We establish the existence and uniqueness of Bayesian-Nash equilibria in pure strategies. In equilibrium, agents use local knowledge of their direct connections to make inferences about the complementarity strength of their actions with other agents given by their updated beliefs regarding their walks in the network. Using this and an example we show that under incomplete information, besides network architecture, agent identity plays a crucial role in determining strategic behavior. We also characterize equilibrium behavior under different forms of ex-ante prior beliefs like uniform priors, Erdos-Renyi network generation, and homophilic linkage. Not surprisingly, uniform priors provide similar results similar to degree-based models of incomplete information.

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Nils Kolling (INSERM, Lyon) – On the neural substrates of planning, changing motivation and sequential goal pursuit
Mai 23 @ 10 h 45 – 12 h 00

Deciding between apples and oranges has been an age-old question not just for hungry shoppers but within the field of decision-making research. However, very rarely have researchers considered the possibility to reject either and move on to the next shelf. I have previously argued that such a sequential decision making framework is not just essential for understanding foraging animals, but also ecological, real life, behaviour in humans1,2. While it is intuitive that real life decision strategies require temporally extended coherent behaviours2 and rely on prospection, maintained motivation and sequential adaptation, those cognitive and neural processes remain poorly understand. In the first part of my talk I will present our recent cognitive model for sequential search decisions and its underlying neural dynamics3. In the second part I will further expand into another important element of sustained and sequential behaviours, i.e. intrinsic motivation. In particular, I will focus on the circuits fluctuating with motivation to continue pursuing the current task instead of disengaging, showing task general as well as causal evidence. Lastly, I will talk about ongoing work on sequential incremental goal pursuit and how the nature of decision-making changes with goal progress neurally and behaviourally as participants assess whether to give into temptation or frustration.

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Sacha Kramer – Exploring Changes in Farmers’ Economic Behaviors during Epizootics: An Experimental Study
Mai 24 @ 13 h 00 – 13 h 30

Sacha Kramer (Univ Lyon 1, GATE LSE, LBBE),

Dominique Pontier (HDR LBBE), Thibaud Porphyre (HDR LBBE), Julie Rosaz(HDR BSB-CEREN), Benoît Tarroux (HDR Gate-LSE)

Exploring Changes in Farmers’ Economic Behaviors during Epizootics: An Experimental Study

Abstract :

This research is aiming to investigate the economic behaviors of livestock farmers during health crises, particularly focusing on epizootics (i.e. animal epidemics). Motivated by the increasing interest in multidisciplinary studies merging economics and epidemiology (epieco), our study contributes to this field by conducting a financial double auction market (DA) experiment. The experiment simulates the dynamics of a contagious risk representing the spread of a disease among livestock traded by farmers. Our design consists of two parts of ten periods each, with the first part without any disease and the second part introducing a contagious disease risk associated with asset ownership.
During each period, participants can engage in buying and selling livestock, which yield random dividends at the end of the period for their owners. The introduction of a contagious risk in the second part decreases the average dividends for infected livestock, who also possess a probability of infecting other animals within the participant portfolio. Through this investigation, we aim to explore participants decision-making strategies in response to the risk of disease transmission. We analyze variations in prices and trading volumes following the introduction of the disease, highlighting the intricate relationship between economic interests and the potential spread of disease among assets. Our goal is to provide valuable insights into the intersection of economics and epidemiology and also gather data for epidemiological models and policymakers. Additionally, we seek to understand how infectious diseases emerging in markets alter farmers’ behaviors and impact the market, thereby enhancing our understanding of the economic implications of epizootics.

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Luisa Lorè (Uni of Innsbruck) – The Perception of Second-Hand Clothing: An Experimental Design
Mai 24 @ 13 h 30 – 14 h 00

Luisa Lorè (Uni of Innsbruck)

The Perception of Second-Hand Clothing: An Experimental Design

Abstract :

The EU generates 12.6 million tonnes of textile waste annually, but only 22% is collected for recycling or reuse. Our research project aims to understand consumers’ attitudes towards second-hand goods, specifically related to image concerns in the clothing industry, through two connected survey experiments. The first survey investigates if there is a negative perception of buyers of second-hand clothes. The second survey aims to improve people’s negative perception of second-hand clothes by presenting them with unbiased opinions from the first survey and asking them to choose between vouchers for first or second-hand clothes.

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Ryan Oprea (UC Santa Barbara) – Simplicity Equivalents
Mai 28 @ 11 h 00 – 12 h 15


We provide evidence that classic lottery anomalies like probability weighting and loss aversion are not special phenomena of risk. They also arise (and often with equal strength) when subjects evaluate deterministic, positive monetary payments that have been disaggregated to resemble lotteries. Thus, we find, e.g., apparent probability weighting in settings without probabilities and loss aversion in settings without scope for loss. Across subjects, anomalies in these deterministic tasks strongly predicts the same anomalies in lotteries. These findings suggest that much of the behavior motivating our most important behavioral theories of risk derive from complexity-
driven mistakes rather than true risk preferences.

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Pauline Mille (CREM) – Municipal mergers and local turnout
Mai 31 @ 13 h 00 – 14 h 00

Pauline Mille (CREM)

Municipal mergers and local turnout

Abstract :

France, with approximately 36,000 municipalities, stands out among its European neighbors in terms of local administrative units. In the decade, France, like its neighbors, witnessed a significant wave of municipal mergers, aiming to streamline administration and improve efficiency. However, the impact of such mergers on electoral turnout has been a subject of debate in the literature. While some argue that smaller municipalities foster better participation, others advocate for larger ones. Empirical evidence generally suggests that municipal mergers have a negative effect on turnout. This paper contributes to this discourse by examining French municipalities’ data from 2014 to 2020. Employing a differences-in-differences methodology, the study finds that municipal amalgamations generally lead to decreased democratic participation, aligning with broader empirical trends. Additionally, the potential influence of COVID-19 on these dynamics is also taken into account.

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Natacha Raffin (ENS Paris Saclay) – TBA
Juin 3 @ 11 h 00 – 12 h 15
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Oussama Ben Atta (Université Jean Monnet)
Juin 4 @ 10 h 30 – 11 h 45
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Diego Aycenena (University of Pennsylvania) – TBA
Juin 4 @ 14 h 00 – 15 h 15
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Sodavann HAK – TBA
Juin 7 @ 13 h 00 – 13 h 30

Sodavann HAK

Title : TBA

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Derniers articles parus

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Article dans une revue


Hippolyte d'Albis, Emmanuelle Augeraud-Véron, Dramane Coulibaly, Rodolphe Desbordes. Covid-19 and mobility: determinant or consequence?. Economic Theory, 2024, 77, pp.261-282. ⟨10.1007/s00199-023-01510-3⟩. ⟨halshs-04331269⟩
Accès au texte intégral et bibtex BibTex
Zoé Iannuzzi, Brice Mourier, Thierry Winiarski, Gislain Lipeme-Kouyi, Philippe Polomé, et al.. Contribution of different land use catchments on the microplastic pollution in detention basin sediments. Environmental Pollution, 2024, 348, pp.123882. ⟨10.1016/j.envpol.2024.123882⟩. ⟨hal-04544161⟩
Accès au bibtex
Carla Morvan, Sonia Paty. Natural disasters and voter gratitude: What is the role of prevention policies?. Public Choice, In press, ⟨10.1007/s11127-023-01137-x⟩. ⟨hal-04393271⟩
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Lionel Perrier, Frederic Balusson, Magali Morelle, Joël Castelli, Juliette Thariat, et al.. Cost-effectiveness of weekly adaptive radiotherapy versus standard IMRT in head and neck cancer alongside the ARTIX trial. Radiotherapy & Oncology, 2024, Radiotherapy and Oncology : Journal of the European Society For Therapeutic, 193, pp.110116. ⟨10.1016/j.radonc.2024.110116⟩. ⟨hal-04444231⟩
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