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Corinne Autant-Bernard Professeure des Universités (U. St-Etienne)

I am a Professor of Economics, and I am the Director of Saint-Etienne School of Economics.

My research interests lie in the fields of:

Economics of innovation and knowledge diffusion

Spatial econometrics and network analysis

Public policy evaluation

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Corinne Autant-Bernard
Antoinette Baujard Professeure des Universités (U. St-Etienne)

I am a Professor of Economics.

My research is based on reflexive studies on how economics deals with normative issues. It is meant to convey pragmatic knowledge regarding the properties of instruments of public decision, such as methods of evaluation of public policies, voting procedures, deliberative processes. Mainly, my papers are contributions to:

* Voting experiments and Social choice theory

* Philosophy and methodology of normative issues

* History of welfare economics and theories of justice

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Antoinette Baujard
Gabriel Bayle Ingénieur de recherche (Postdoc) (CNRS)

My research focuses on Experimental and Behavioral Economics, with a particular emphasis on behaviors, mechanisms, and preferences in Social Dilemmas. My PhD thesis, 'Essays on Distributional Preferences and Approval Mechanisms in Social Dilemmas,' reflects my special interest in common pool resource dilemmas and how individuals navigate shared goods.


Currently, I am part of a project at GATE that seeks to develop a nation-wide experimental platform. This initiative is designed to support ambitious, large-scale experimental research while promoting open science and fostering collaboration.


In addition to my core research, I explore experimental methodology as a side focus, emphasizing the critical role of replication in ensuring robust and reliable findings within the field.

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Gabriel Bayle
Federica Ceron Maître de Conférences (U. St-Etienne)

I am an associate professor of Economics at Université Jean Monnet Saint-Étienne, affiliated to the GATE Lyon-Saint-Etienne. I obtained my PHD in 2019 from Paris School of Economics - Université Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne and subsequently held a post-doctoral position in Philosophy of economics at Université Paris-Est Créteil (2019-2020).

I serve as junior associate editor of the Journal of Mathematical Economics. My research focuses in axiomatic decision theory under uncertainty and social choice theory.


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Federica Ceron
Cyril Chambefort Doctorant (U. St-Etienne)

Cyril Chambefort is a researcher in economics and PhD student, currently pursuing a CIFRE PhD within the startup Shine, a fintech specialized in banking services for businesses. The thesis is being conducted at the GATE-LSE laboratory (Groupe d’Analyse et de Théorie Economique - UMR5824) within the University Jean Monnet (Saint-Etienne). The research topic focuses on fintechs and other financial technology startups.

The objective is to investigate the various business models adopted by these emerging players in order to comprehend the structure of this ecosystem and its integration into the monetary and financial system. This includes examining competition between fintechs and traditional banks, and the potential horizontal integration between fintechs and traditional actors.

His research focuses also on the game-changing impact of crypto-currencies, blockchain and decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs) on economic and societal structure. By analyzing the complex workings of blockchain technology, smart contracts and DAO functionalities, he work on the mechanisms underlying the establishment and maintenance of trust between network participants. Furthermore, his exploration of DAOs highlights how decentralized decision-making and management frameworks can revolutionize traditional governance of organizational models.

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Cyril Chambefort
Sylvie Charlot Professeure des Universités (U. Lyon 2)

Mes travaux de recherche portent sur les politiques publiques et les disparités spatiales.

Je suis enseignante-chercheure à l'Université Lyon 2 depuis 2016.

J'ai été chercheuse à l'INRAE pendant 2 décennies.

J'y ai développé mes capacités à travailler avec d'autres disciplines, et à faire le lien entre recherche académique, expertise et diffusion des résultats de la recherche.

Page Google Scholar / Page Repec


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Sylvie Charlot
Lise Clain-Chamosset Maître de Conférences (U. Lyon 2)

I am currently an assistant professor in macroeconomics at the Université de Lyon 2 and a member of GATE LSE.

My work and projects fall within the disciplinary field of dynamic macroeconomics applied to finance and the environment. To date, my research primarily focuses on two themes: rational bubbles and sustainable growth. 

Regarding the first theme, my work aims to address three weaknesses of early macroeconomic models with rational bubbles: the crowding-out effect of the bubble, the lack of excessive volatility, and the modeling of a bubble through an asset without fundamental value. For the second theme, my research seeks to understand the interactions between the financial, real, and environmental policy spheres. 

These two research themes may seem disconnected unless sustainable growth is studied from the perspective of green investment. In both cases, it involves asset modeling, one speculative and the other for environmental purposes. Additionally, I utilize modern macroeconomic tools, particularly dynamic general equilibrium modeling. 

More details here https://sites.google.com/site/liseclainchamosset/home/research

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Lise Clain-Chamosset
Dramane Coulibaly Professeur des Universités (University Lumière Lyon 2)

I am a Professor of Economics at University Lumière Lyon 2 and a Senior Research Fellow at GATE Lyon-Saint-Etienne-CNRS.

I am an Associate Editor of International Economics (Elsevier).

My research focuses on: Econometrics, International Economics, Developoment Economics and International Migration.

Email: coulibaly(at)gate.cnrs.fr

My Personal Website: www.dcoulibaly.com

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Dramane Coulibaly
Ignacio Hauser Doctorant (UJM & UdL)

Ignacio Hauser is a Ph.D. Candidate in Economics at the Université Jean Monnet Saint-Étienne & the Université de Lyon, and a member of the GATE Lyon-St-Etienne since October 2021.

His research focuses on the measurement of income inequality, addressing it from a diversity of approaches that include applied economics, philosophy and methodology of economics, and the history of economic thought.

Before starting his Ph.D., Ignacio completed both an M.Res. and an M.A. in Economics and Social Sciences at the Université Lumière Lyon 2 (France), a one-year fellowship for the ‘Amartya Sen Program’ granted by the Universidad de Buenos Aires (Argentina), and a B.A. (five-year diploma) in Economics at the Universidad Nacional de Cuyo (Argentina).

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Ignacio Hauser
Astrid Hopfensitz Professeur (emlyon business school)

Je suis professeur en organizational behavior à l'emlyon business school.

Mes recherches portent principalement sur l'influence des émotions et des dimensions psychologiques sur la prise de décision et le comportement économiques. J'utilise des expériences économiques en combinaison avec des méthodes psychologiques. Je me suis intéressé à des sujets liés aux liens sociaux, à la confiance et à l'intelligence sociale. Je m'intéresse également au comportement des ménages et à la manière dont les couples prennent des décisions économiques.


Voir aussi:


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Astrid Hopfensitz
Jean-Yves Lesueur Professeur des Universités (U. Lyon 2)

Trajectoire professionnelle

  • De 1987 à 1988: Maître de Conférences à l'Université de Corte, laboratoire GRIFE (Aix Marseille III)

  • De 1988 à 1998: Professeur à l'Université d'Auvergne (concours d'agrégation externe 1987), laboratoire CERDI UMR 6587 CNRS

  • Depuis 1998: Professeur à l'Université Lumière Lyon 2 (mutation), Groupe d’Analyse et de Théorie Economique (GATE) UMR 5824 CNRS

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Jean-Yves Lesueur
Magali Morelle Statisticienne (Centre Léon Bérard)

Mes activités consistent à mettre en œuvre des techniques statistiques et économétriques à partir des données de vie réelle, des données des essais cliniques, et des registres, réaliser des revues de la littérature, participer à l’élaboration, à la relecture et à la validation des cahiers de recueil des données, et à la rédaction de rapports d’études et des publications, contribuer au déploiement de la démarche qualité au sein du pôle innovations et stratégies de santé.

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Magali Morelle
Carla Morvan Doctorante - ATER (U. Lyon2)


Natural Hazards and Local Public Policies                 Webpage


Sonia Paty and Frédéric Jouneau                     Job Market Paper

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Carla Morvan
Sonia Paty Professeure des Universités (Université Lyon 2)

I am a Professor of Economics in Lyon 2 University where I teach public economics, regional and urban economics and local public finance.

Mainly, my research interests are public economics, political economics and local governments' decisions using microeconometric tools.

I am also the Principal Investigator of the ANR contract CITIZENS (2023-2025) on citizens' implication in local public decision.


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Sonia Paty
Lionel Perrier Ingénieur de recherche, Ph.D., H.D.R., Responsable pôle innovations et stratégies de santé (Centre Léon Bérard)

Titulaire d’un doctorat en sciences économiques et habilité  à diriger des recherches en section CNU 05, je suis responsable du pôle Innovations et stratégies de santé au sein de la Direction de la Recherche Clinique et de l’Innovation du Centre de Lutte Contre le Cancer Léon Bérard à Lyon. Coordonnateur médico-économique de nombreux projets de recherche, j’enseigne notamment à l’Ecole Centrale de Lyon. Je dirige des thèses et participe régulièrement à des jurys. Membre de la CEESP de 2015 à 2024, j’ai participé, en tant qu’expert référent du chapitre Choix méthodologiques pour l’évaluation des coûts, à la révision du guide pour l’évaluation économique à la Haute Autorité. Je suis co-auteur de nombreux articles publiés dans des revues scientifiques.

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Lionel Perrier
Béatrice Rey-Fournier Professeur des Universités (U. Lyon 2)

Professeur en Sciences Economiques

Domaines de recherche : Théorie du risque / Risque et Décision / Assurance / Prévention / Economie de la santé

Contact :  beatrice.reyfournier@univ-lyon2.fr

Liste actualisée des publications : voir CV dans Page personnelle



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Béatrice Rey-Fournier
Stéphane Riou Professeur des Universités (U. St-Etienne)

Vice-président du Conseil d'Administration de l'Université Jean Monnet, en charge des moyens et de la stratégie académique


Professeur à l'École d'Économie de Saint-Etienne, Université Jean Monnet


Spécialités: économie géographique, économie urbaine, économie publique

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Stéphane Riou
Pierre VINCENT Doctorant (U.St-Etienne)

Thesis under the supervision of Florence GOFFETTE-NAGOT and Mathieu SANCH-MARITAN

Abstract: Urban overheating has numerous adverse effects on health, productivity, and household energy consumption. The measures implemented by local governments to combat urban overheating are insufficient. Therefore, households can adopt their own adaptation strategies to address urban overheating, including decisions about their location within the city. On the one hand, I aim to empirically study the impact of urban overheating on household location choices, housing prices, and urban sprawl. On the other hand, the more theoretical aspect of my thesis seeks to examine the endogenous formation of urban overheating, particularly by analyzing how households and firms concentrate within a city, creating urban characteristics conducive to the emergence of overheating. 

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