Sonia Paty
Professeure des Universités (Université Lyon 2)
I am a Professor of Economics in Lyon 2 University where I teach public economics, regional and urban economics and local public finance.
Mainly, my research interests are public economics, political economics and local governments’ decisions using microeconometric tools.
I am also the Principal Investigator of the ANR contract CITIZENS (2023-2025) on citizens’ implication in local public decision.
My latest research on Environmental economics and local public finance has just been published in Public Choice. Read here:
Comment gérer les catastrophes naturelles ?
J’organise une session sur la gestion locale des catastrophes naturelles aux Journées de l’Economie le 6 novembre 2024, à l’université de Lyon 3
Contrat ANR Citizens (2023-2025)
The project aims at addressing the relationship between decentralization and democracy by assessing how the different forms of decentralization and the different modalities of governance may reconcile citizens and politics at the local level. We want to explore the political consequences of decentralization on the electoral participation, whether electoral systems favour or infringe the perception of closeness between citizens and the administration or elected authorities, or which design of the deliberative process may improve citizens empowerment.
WORK in progress
- Decentralization and the size of local assemblies: the Cube Root Law Extended. Benoît Le Maux, Pauline Mille and Sonia Paty
- Integration among municipalities and voter turnout: evidence from a quasi-natural experiment in France. Edoardo Di Porto, Angela Parenti and Sonia Paty
Preprints, Working Papers, ...
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- Benoît Le Maux, Sonia Paty. Why So Many Representatives? Extending the Cube Root Law to Local Assemblies. 2024. ⟨hal-04736092⟩
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- Carla Morvan, Sonia Paty. Natural disasters and voter gratitude: What is the role of prevention policies?. 2023. ⟨hal-04160167⟩
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- Sonia Paty, Morgan Ubeda. Inter-municipal cooperation and the provision of local public goods. 2023. ⟨hal-03541482v2⟩
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- Sonia Paty, Morgan Ubeda. Décentralisation et taille optimale des gouvernements locaux : pourquoi, comment coopérer et avec quels effets ?. 2019. ⟨halshs-02368028⟩
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- Tidiane Ly, Sonia Paty. Local Taxation and Tax Base Mobility: Evidence from the French business tax reform. 2018. ⟨halshs-01812611v2⟩
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- Zineb Abidi, Edoardo Di Porto, Angela Parenti, Sonia Paty. Local government cooperation at work: A control function approach. 2014. ⟨halshs-01098777⟩
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- Edoardo Di Porto, Vincent Merlin, Sonia Paty. Cooperation among local governments to deliver public services : a "structural" bivariate response model with fixed effects and endogenous covariate. 2013. ⟨halshs-00787600⟩
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- Sylvie Charlot, Sonia Paty, Virginie Piguet. Does fiscal coopération increase local tax rates in urban areas?. 2012. ⟨halshs-00703299⟩
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- Sylvie Charlot, Sonia Paty, Virginie Piguet. Does fiscal cooperation increase local tax rates in urban areas ?. 2012. ⟨hal-02802570⟩
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- Quentin Frère, Matthieu Leprince, Sonia Paty. The impact of inter-municipal cooperation on local public spending. 2012. ⟨halshs-00730555⟩
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- Hakim Hammadou, Sonia Paty, Maria Savona. Strategic interactions in public R&D across EU-15 countries : A spatial econometric analysis. 2012. ⟨halshs-00727362⟩
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- Quentin Frère, Hakim Hammadou, Sonia Paty. Is there a "zoo effect" in French local governments?. 2011. ⟨hal-02809644⟩
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- Sylvie Charlot, Sonia Paty, Michel Visalli. Assessing the impact of local taxation on property prices: a spatial matching contribution. 2008. ⟨hal-02822874⟩
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- Sylvie Charlot, Sonia Paty, Virginie Piguet. Intercommunalité et fiscalité directe locale. 2008. ⟨hal-02821969⟩
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Journal articles
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- Carla Morvan, Sonia Paty. Natural disasters and voter gratitude: What is the role of prevention policies?. Public Choice, 2024, 198, pp.427-465. ⟨hal-04589711⟩
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- Carla Morvan, Sonia Paty. Natural disasters and voter gratitude: What is the role of prevention policies?. Public Choice, In press, ⟨10.1007/s11127-023-01137-x⟩. ⟨hal-04393271⟩
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- Tidiane Ly, Sonia Paty. Local taxation and tax base mobility : Evidence from France. Regional Science and Urban Economics, 2020, 82, pp.103430. ⟨10.1016/j.regsciurbeco.2019.01.010⟩. ⟨halshs-02006368⟩
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- Sonia Paty, Morgan Ubeda. Décentralisation et taille optimale des collectivités locales : pourquoi, comment coopérer et avec quels effets ?. Revue Française d'Economie, 2020, XXXV (1), pp.99. ⟨10.3917/rfe.201.0099⟩. ⟨halshs-03035546⟩
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- Edoardo Di Porto, Sonia Paty. Cooperation among Local Governments to Deliver Public Services. Politics and Policy, 2018, 46 (5), pp.790-820. ⟨10.1111/polp.12275⟩. ⟨halshs-01887958⟩
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- Edoardo Di Porto, Angela Parenti, Sonia Paty, Zineb Abidi. Local government cooperation at work: a control function approach. Journal of Economic Geography, 2017, 17 (2), pp. 435-463. ⟨10.1093/jeg/lbw008⟩. ⟨halshs-01289969⟩
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- Sylvie Charlot, Sonia Paty, Virginie Piguet. Does fiscal coopération increase local tax rates in urban areas?. Regional Studies, 2015, 49 (10), pp. 1706-1721. ⟨10.1080/00343404.2013.878798⟩. ⟨halshs-00958049⟩
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- Quentin Frère, Matthieu Leprince, Sonia Paty. The Impact of Intermunicipal Cooperation on Local Public Spending. European Urban and Regional Studies, 2014, 51 (8), pp.1741-1760. ⟨10.1177/0042098013499080⟩. ⟨halshs-00862778⟩
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- Hakim Hammadou, Sonia Paty, Maria Savona. Strategic interactions in public R&D across European countries : A spatial econometric analysis. Research Policy, 2014, 43 (7), pp.1217-1226. ⟨10.1016/j.respol.2014.01.011⟩. ⟨halshs-00958038⟩
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- Aurélie Cassette, Jérôme Creel, Étienne Farvaque, Sonia Paty. Governments under influence: Country interactions in discretionary fiscal policy. Economic Modelling, 2013, 30, pp. 79-89. ⟨10.1016/j.econmod.2012.08.032⟩. ⟨halshs-00752257⟩
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- Sylvie Charlot, Sonia Paty, Michel Visalli. ASSESSING THE IMPACT OF LOCAL TAXATION ON PROPERTY PRICES: A SPATIAL MATCHING CONTRIBUTION. Applied Economics, 2013, 45 (09), pp.1151-1166. ⟨10.1080/00036846.2011.613798⟩. ⟨hal-00762809⟩
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- Benoît Le Maux, Sonia Paty. Economie publique locale. Economica, 166 p., 2020, 978-2-7178-7132-6. ⟨halshs-02874806⟩
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- Local public economics
- Public economics
- Spatial economics
- Public finance
Adjointe au Directeur Scientifique Référent (ADSR) au CNRS pour le site de Nice Côte d’azur.
PI contrat ANR Citizens (2023-2025)
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Member of the European Public Choice Society (EPCS) Board, 2024-