Citizens' implication in local public decisions
Scientific objectives
The project aims at addressing the relationship between decentralization and democracy by assessing how the different forms of decentralization and the different modalities of governance may reconcile citizens and politics at the local level. We want to explore the political consequences of decentralization on the electoral participation, whether electoral systems favour or infringe the perception of closeness between citizens and the administration or elected authorities, or which design of the deliberative process may improve citizens empowerment. The research team of Citizens will combine different approaches – econometric tools, axiomatic and computational approaches, and experimental economics – to contribute to this rapidly evolving field of research on the quality of democracy at the local level.
Full description Project_Citizens
List of participants
- Sonia Paty (GATE) - Scientific coordinator
- Vincent Merlin (CREM) - Partner's scientific leader
- Antoinette Baujard (GATE)
- Sylvain Bouveret (LIG)
- Roberto Brunetti (GATE)
- Federica Ceron (GATE)
- Stéphane Gonzalez (GATE)
- Jérôme Lang (LAMSADE)
- Isabelle Lebon (CREM)
- Benoît Le Maux (CREM)
- Dominik Peters (LAMSADE)
- Remzi Sanver (LAMSADE)
- Benoît Tarroux (GATE)
- Mara Vidali (CREM)
Work in progress
- Zineb Abidi and Vincent Merlin, The power index curse strikes again : over-representation of major cities in French inter-communal structures.
- Roberto Brunetti and Matthieu Pourieux, Representative Policy-makers ? A Behavioral Experiment with French Politicians
- Federica Ceron, Stephane Gonzalez and Adriana Navarro Ramos, Axiomatic characterizations of knapsack and greedy budget allocation rules
- Edoardo Di Porto, Angela Parenti and Sonia Paty, Integration and participation: evidence from French local governments.
- Joao V Ferreira, Erik Schokkaert and Benoît Tarroux, How group deliberation affects individual distributional preferences: An experimental study
- Benoit Le Maux and Sonia Paty Why So Many Representatives ? Extending the Cube Root Law to Local Assemblies.
- Pauline Mille, Municipal mergers and electoral turnout.
- Pauline Mille, Determinants of electoral turnout and policy implications: a literature review.
- Stéphane Gonzalez and Nikolaos Pnevmatikos, A Story of Consistency : Bridging the gap between Bentham and Rawls foundations, Synthese, forthcoming.
- Joshua C. Yang, Carina I. Hausladen, Dominik Peters, Evangelos Pournaras, Regula Häenggli Fricker, Dirk Helbing. "Designing Digital Voting Systems for Citizens : Achieving Fairness and Legitimacy in Participatory Budgeting", ACM Digital Government : Research and Practice, Special Issue on Smart Government Development and Applications, 2024.
- Paul Gölz, Dominik Peters, and Ariel D. Procaccia. "In This Apportionment Lottery, the House Always Wins", Operations Research, 2024.
- Soroush Ebadian, Anson Kahng, Dominik Peters, and Nisarg Shah. "Optimized Distortion and Proportional Fairness in Voting", ACM Transactions on Economics and Computation, 12 (1), 2024.
- Stéphane Airiau, Haris Aziz, Ioannis Caragiannis, Justin Kruger, Jérôme Lang, and Dominik Peters. "Portioning using Ordinal Preferences : Fairness and Eciency", Artificial Intelligence, 2023.
- Ozkes, A., and MR Sanver, 2024, Axiomatization of plurality refinements, Public Choice, forthcoming.
- Cailloux, O., M. Hervouin, A. Ozkes and MR Sanver, 2024, Classification aggregation without unanimity, Mathematical Social Sciences, 128, 6-9.
- Ozkes, A., and MR Sanver, 2023, Uniform random dictatorship : a characterization without strategy-proofness, Economics Letters, 227, 111127.
- Cailloux, O., B Napolitano, MR Sanver, 2023, Compromising as an equal loss principle, Review of Economic Design, 27, 547-560.
Upcoming events
Journées d'Economie de Lyon (JECO), 2024 November 6, Lyon, session "Comment élire nos représentants locaux ?" salle SEPR
Summer school in Caen, 2025 July
Past events
Conference meeting in Rennes, 2024 June 18, Program
Journée de formation du CNFPT de la région AURA à Saint-Etienne, le 10 Juin 2024. Animation de trois ateliers : (i) IA et démocratie électorale, (ii) IA et démocratie participative, (iii) IA, aide à la décision, management des ressources et organisations.
Turfu Festival, 8-13 avril 2024, Le Dôme Caen. Ateliers "Le vote est-il démocratique ?"
Session JECO - Implication des Citoyens dans la décision locale, 16 septembre 2023, Lyon 2
Voter oui mais comment ? Festival international des idées de demain à la Gaité Lyrique, 21 octobre 2023, Paris, photo
Journée Prospective URBAIN de l'InSHS, Marseille, 2 juin 2023, Poster CITIZENS
Kick off meeting: 2023 April 4, Lyon-Ecully, Program
Related links
Rapport pour Terra Nova, "Proportionnelle : le retour", Jean-François Laslier, Jérôme Lang, Thierry Pech, Manel Ayadi, 13 septembre 2023
Combinatorial participatory budgeting
Article dans le Monde "L'intercommunalité a contribué à éloigner les citoyens des décideurs publics", 10 novembre 2023
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