I am a Professor of Economics, and I am the Director of Saint-Etienne School of Economics.
My research interests lie in the fields of:
Economics of innovation and knowledge diffusion
Spatial econometrics and network analysis
Public policy evaluation
I am a Professor of Economics.
My research is based on reflexive studies on how economics deals with normative issues. It is meant to convey pragmatic knowledge regarding the properties of instruments of public decision, such as methods of evaluation of public policies, voting procedures, deliberative processes. Mainly, my papers are contributions to:
* Voting experiments and Social choice theory
* Philosophy and methodology of normative issues
* History of welfare economics and theories of justice
Links to the open access version of every paper are available on my CV pdf file.
I am an associate professor of Economics at Université Jean Monnet Saint-Étienne, affiliated to the GATE Lyon-Saint-Etienne. I obtained my PHD in 2019 from Paris School of Economics - Université Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne and subsequently held a post-doctoral position in Philosophy of economics at Université Paris-Est Créteil (2019-2020).
I serve as junior associate editor of the Journal of Mathematical Economics. My research focuses in axiomatic decision theory under uncertainty and social choice theory.
Personal page
Dispersed and heterogeneous information, coordination, experimentation in macroeconomics and finance.
Personal web page
I am a Professor of Economics at University Lumière Lyon 2 and a Senior Research Fellow at GATE Lyon-Saint-Etienne-CNRS.
I am an Associate Editor of International Economics (Elsevier).
My research focuses on: Econometrics, International Economics, Developoment Economics and International Migration.
Email: coulibaly(at)gate.cnrs.fr
My Personal Website: www.dcoulibaly.com
Depuis 2015, j’exerce en tant qu’enseignant-chercheur dans le Groupe d’analyse et de théorie économique, où je me suis spécialisé dans les domaines de la théorie des jeux coopératifs et de la théorie du choix social.
Contact this personI am a professor in organizational behavior at emlyon business school.
My main research interest concerns the influence of emotions and psychological dimensions on economic decision-making and behavior. I use economic experiments in combination with psychological methods. I have been interested in topics related to social ties, trustworthiness detection and social intelligence. I am further interested in household behavior and how spouses take economic decisions.
Please see also:
Research interests: Health Economics, Public Economics, Industrial Organization, Applied Microeconomics
Contact this personTrajectoire professionnelle
- De 1987 à 1988: Maître de Conférences à l'Université de Corte, laboratoire GRIFE (Aix Marseille III)
- De 1988 à 1998: Professeur à l'Université d'Auvergne (concours d'agrégation externe 1987), laboratoire CERDI UMR 6587 CNRS
- Depuis 1998: Professeur à l'Université Lumière Lyon 2 (mutation), Groupe d’Analyse et de Théorie Economique (GATE) UMR 5824 CNRS
I am a Professor of Economics in Lyon 2 University where I teach public economics, regional and urban economics and local public finance.
Mainly, my research interests are public economics, political economics and local governments' decisions using microeconometric tools.
I am also the Principal Investigator of the ANR contract CITIZENS (2023-2025) on citizens' implication in local public decision.
My latest research on Environmental economics and local public finance has just been published in Public Choice. Read here: https://rdcu.be/dvZpz
Professeur en Sciences Economiques
Domaines de recherche : Théorie du risque / Risque et Décision / Assurance / Prévention / Economie de la santé
Contact : beatrice.reyfournier@univ-lyon2.fr
Liste actualisée des publications : voir CV dans Page personnelle
Vice-président du Conseil d'Administration de l'Université Jean Monnet, en charge des moyens et de la stratégie académique
Professeur à l'École d'Économie de Saint-Etienne, Université Jean Monnet
Spécialités: économie géographique, économie urbaine, économie publique
Personnal webpage: https://sites.google.com/view/jsalanie
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4000-3092
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