Ludwig Ségalen, Zoé Iannuzzi, Aliou Olofindjin, Manyane Kpatoumbi – Thesis Project

Quand :
28 octobre 2022 @ 13 h 00 – 14 h 00
Où :
Ecully et Saint-Etienne
Zoé Iannuzzi
Identification of activities and transfer pathway of microplastics (MP) in hydrosystems
Research on MP pollution (small particles of <5 mm in size) has long focused on their largest sink: the ocean. More recently, researchers have expanded their focus to include freshwater and terrestrial environments. This is an important development, given that an estimated 80% of MP in the ocean comes from land and that rivers are one of the dominant pathways for MP to reach the oceans (Rochman, 2018). In this context, it seems necessary to identify which are the main anthropogenic activities that produce MP. This thesis proposal aims to identify the main MP emitting and diffusing activities and their predominant transfert pathways in Grand Lyon. Causal and/or correlative links will be established between economic activities and MP’s concentration. This project is part of a systemic and multidisciplinary approach that will require to produce a transversal conclusion on the issue of MP activities as well as on the public policies to be implemented to reduce the presence of MP in urban hydrosystems.

Ludwig Ségalen
Anorexia nervosa : contribution of neuroscience and neuroeconomics
Anorexia nervosa is a psychiatric pathology whose diagnosis is based on the triad of : Anorexia – Emaciation – Amenorrhea. It is a complex disease, both from an etiological point of view, because it is multi-factorial, but also from a therapeutic point of view because there is currently no curative treatment. Indeed, only SSRIs are currently indicated to treat the comorbidities present in anorexia nervosa. However, they are ineffective in 30% of cases. Our study therefore seeks to identify the reasons for the inactivity of this class of medication (i.e. SSRIs) in anorexia nervosa. In addition, an attentional bias is very frequently encountered in patients. In this respect, we would like to explore this component by using eye tracking, a technique that allows the tracking of eye movements, by means of a task involving neuroeconomic games. This approach will be used to identify a behavioral marker that may be the cause of the disease. Depending on the results, we could make eye tracking a diagnostic and therapeutic tool. Also, the use of PET-MRI is envisaged, in order to identify the neural circuits impacted in anorexia nervosa, thanks to the behavioral marker identified by eye tracking. Thus, our project is innovative by linking two surprising disciplines : neuroscience and neuroeconomics ; applied to anorexia nervosa. 
Aliou Olofindjin
Trois essais sur les difficultés à concilier développement local et développement durable
L’objectif de ma thèse est d’estimer les dommages causés par la modification de l’environnement induit par les activités humaines comme l’agriculture intensive qui est à la base de la prolifération des algues vertes et le choix de l’installation des éoliens qui modifie également le paysage ont des conséquences sur les activités économiques. Il s’agit spécifiquement d’estimer les dommages causés par la prolifération des algues vertes et l’installation des énergies éoliennes sur le tourisme à travers le prix des gites et aussi sur les prix des maisons qui sont situées dans les champs de vision des parcs éoliens et des régions côtières en France. Les politiques tentent de faire face à ces deux dommages que nous proposons de mesurer, il s’agit de politiques de réduction des intrants et en pour les éoliennes, il s’agit du choix de leur localisation. Ces politiques peuvent entrer en contradiction avec d’autres politiques. C’est pourquoi, nous cherchons à appréhender comment la protection de l’environnement se retrouve souvent au cœur de jeux politiques entre acteurs aux intérêts contradictoires.
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